Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Recession, I hate you

I thought I’d have a job by now. Seriously, I did everything right. I got A’s, interned at an agency with a good reputation and graduated early. Life doesn’t usually go according to plan and I guess this is just an example of that....

Many of my friends and recent college graduates are reveling in the current economic crisis and using it as a scapegoat for their lack of employment. As someone who hates boredom and thrives on complicated situations I’m getting tired of the recession and its accompanying monotony.

People tell me how lucky I am to be free and to have all this time on my hands. Free time is great, until taking a trip to Whole Foods becomes exciting. F^@k you boredom, I want a job. I want a job that I can throw my life into, a job where I can be creative, and a job where I can produce great work. BUT... that is proving to be rather difficult right now. The first step is acceptance, so I’ve heard.

So It’s time to accept the recession. Throughout the rest of the summer I’ll let my two loyal readers know the secrets, and maybe even perks, of embracing unemployment.

For now, off to Portland for the weekend!


GLittle said...

If it's about not being bored and throwing your life into something and not about the paycheck... how about you come do my job, I'll go lay out at the pool and collect the paychecks. When do you want to start?

megan pants said...

ahhhhh job woes. I hear ya. Come to NY and be jobless with me.